When you visit a nursery, you will find plenty of plants that will make a strong statement when you incorporate them into your landscaping. Very few of them will make one stronger than the one that cactus and succulents make. Payless Hardware, Rockery & Nursery has a wide range of cactus and succulents at our San Jose Nursery, and we can show you why you should strongly consider adding agaves to your landscaping.
Agaves range in size from about two feet up to eight feet and are usually very tough plants. They don’t require much water, can withstand extremely hot and cold temperatures, and you won’t have to do much lawn maintenance to them. However, this doesn’t mean that they don’t have a soft side. As they reach full maturity, a large flower will form in the middle of an agave plant and blow you away with its beauty. When you visit the nursery at Payless Hardware, Rockery & Nursery, we will show you the agaves we have in stock and tell you more about why you should plant one or more in your yard.