Questions to Ask When Planning a Garden

If you’ve ever wandered around your local hardware store in San Jose you’ve probably lost yourself in the garden section dreaming about a relaxing garden of your own. But before you buy a dozen potted plants and stepping stones and get to work turning your dream garden into a reality, there are some important questions you should answer first to make sure you end up with the garden you really want. Here are some questions to ask prior to “digging in.”

What type of garden do I want?

A garden is a garden, right? Not exactly. There are different types of gardens you can have depending on your interests and what you want to get out of having a garden in the first place. For example, if you want to grow your own fruits and vegetables, your garden design will be different than if you’re planning a garden space for relaxing or entertaining.

When will I spend time in the garden?

Knowing when you will spend the most time in your garden can help you design the extra features and elements that separate a real garden from just another concentrated area of potted plants and stepping stones. For example, if you will primarily use or enjoy your garden in the evenings after work, make sure you design your garden with plenty of soft lighting so that you can see what you’re doing without ruining the warm and relaxing atmosphere of your garden.

How much time do I have for maintenance and care?

More than simply the garden you want, try to design your space around the garden you can realistically maintain. The amount of time you have for watering, weeding, fertilizing, and generally tending to your garden will determine the types of plants and seeds you buy from your local San Jose nursery. A garden expert can make suggestions and recommendations based on the amount of time you have and your previous gardening experience.
