Lawn & Garden
How to Store Your Mower for Winter
You won’t need your lawn mower in San Jose as often during the winter, so take the time to prepare and store it properly. When you do this, it’ll fire right up and work like a charm when you need it again. Depending on how into your landscaping you are, your lawn mower could use quite a bit of cleaning up by the end of its shift. You have to maintain your appliances if you want them to last as long as possible, so read ahead and learn about how to store your mower for the winter.
Any gas that’s left in your lawn mower can get stale throughout the winter, so empty out the gas before you have a rust problem on your hands. Put fuel stabilizer in the tank and run the lawn mower, that way the fuel stabilizer will spread out through the system. Then, turn the mower off and let it cool down. You can siphon extra gas into a can to be used during the next season. Next, disconnect the spark plug, take off the blade, and drain the oil so you can easily clean the undercarriage. Finally, change your air filter and replace your spark plug.