GA-866 Sugar Cane Jujubes

One of the sweetest varieties of jujube trees, GA-866 Sugar Cane Jujubes (also known as Georgia 866 Jujubes or Chinese Dates) is a low-maintenance plant that prefers lots of sunlight but doesn’t require frequent watering and can grow in many types of soil. This tree bears nutritious fruit that can be eaten raw or dried.

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Payless Hardware, Rockery, and Nursery

Part of County Building Materials & the ACE Hardware Family

Address: 2927 S. King Rd., San Jose, CA 95122

Call us at (408) 274-4922

Open Daily 7:00AM - 5:00PM

Closed on New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day, & Christmas Day

part of CBM Hardware LLC & the Ace Hardware Family.