Monterey Liqui-Cop Copper Fungicide Garden Spray

Liquid copper fungicide sprays are useful for disease prevention on fruit trees, nut crops, citrus, vegetables and ornamentals. 

  • CONTROLS PLANT DISEASES – preventative of leaf curl and peach leaf curl, shot hole disease, early and late blight on tomatoes
  • Plant surfaces must be completely covered with the fungicide to successfully prevent infection.
  • This formula is extremely weatherproof and does not require oil or a sticker.
  • It can be mixed with oils such as Monterey Horticultural Oil, for use as a dormant spray on fruit trees or as a summer foliar spray
  • Note: Copper pesticides are considered preventative, not curative, of plant diseases.

Payless Hardware, Rockery, and Nursery

Part of County Building Materials & the ACE Hardware Family

Address: 2927 S. King Rd., San Jose, CA 95122

Call us at (408) 274-4922

Open Daily 7:00AM - 5:00PM

Closed on New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day, & Christmas Day

part of CBM Hardware LLC & the Ace Hardware Family.