Dwarf Citrus

Dwarf Citrus

Dwarf Citrus have fragrant flowers and full-sized fruit. Dwarf trees reach about 10 ft tall, but can be potted to keep them manageable for small spaces like patios and balconies. Citrus need full sun. In order to produce good quality fruit, they need 4 to 6 hours of sun a day for maximum sweetness. Citrus are remarkably drought tolerant trees, so keep in mind the common problem with growing citrus is caused by overwatering. These are the top selling citrus at Payless Nursery.


Washington Navel Orange is California’s famous winter-ripening orange. This navel is a popular orange because its sweet, seedless and easy to peel. It is a great juice orange. These oranges can be left on the tree for up to three month without losing their quality.


Owari Satsuma Mandarin is the hardiest of all mandarins. This mandarin is slow growing at first but worth the wait. Seedless sweet fruit ripens in November, December and is usually picked before the first frost. There is not another orange that is as easy to peel and less messy to eat.


Meyer Lemons are the most popular lemon for home gardeners. The lemon is a cross between a lemon and a mandarin making it more naturally sweeter. Often has continuous harvest. If you like sweet lemonade this will be the perfect lemon for you.


Bears Lime is also known as Persian lime it is a heavy bearer and juicy, lemon sized fruit. Fruits in winter early spring. Seedless and has a great lime flavor, turns light yellow when ripe. Good in cool area. Often continuous fruit.


Kaffir Lime is the authentic, aromatic leaf essential for Thai cooking; used in soups, vegetables, and curry.

fruit fertilizer

When planting your Citrus, mix half Citrus mix and half your native soil. E.B Stone Citrus and Palm mix is a perfect mix for Citrus. The mix is blended to provide excellent aeration and water retention to help your Citrus plant thrive.

tree food

It is important to fertilize your Citrus. Feed every few months from spring to early fall with E.B Stone Citrus and Fruit Fertilizer. It is a blend of natural organic ingredients. Its formulated to encourage new growth, lush green foliage and to support bountiful crops.


Mulching will conserve precious water and will help stop weed growth. At Payless we sell Micro Bark, a decorative fir bark used for ground cover and mulch. A 2 to 3 inch layer can be very helpful for water retention.