Category Archives: Home Security

Burglar Proof Your House with These Easy Home Security Tips

For us at Payless Hardware Rockery and Nursery in San Jose, home security is about safeguarding the things that are most important, not simply about plants and rocks. As a San Jose hardware store, we’re thrilled to offer some revolutionary home security advice today that will help you strengthen your house’s defenses, including security cameras,[…]

Checking Your Smoke Alarms & Carbon Monoxide Detectors Before Winter

As the chilly winter months approach, one crucial aspect of preparing for winter often gets overlooked: smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. Ensuring they are in proper working condition is vital to preparing your home for winter and keeping everyone safe. How Do Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors Work? Smoke Alarms: While we often[…]

Your Guide to Creating a Southwestern Landscape Design

Many homeowners are making the switch to gardens that demand less water and maintenance, and one way to do this is with desert landscaping. If you’re ready to give your yard an overhaul to make it more water-efficient and easy to care for, then continue reading for tips on transforming your lawn and garden in[…]

Cook Like A Pro with These Charcoal Grilling Tips

If you’re like many individuals who have a charcoal grill in San Jose, then you’re planning to make the most of the season’s great weather by hosting barbecues and preparing dinners outdoors. To take your cooking skills to the next level this summer, consider using the following charcoal grilling tips: Get the Right Tools To[…]