Koto No Ito

This Japanese maple tree variety is also sometimes referred to as Harp Strings because of its long and narrow string-like leaves. Its leaves change colors from a bright green shade (sometimes even flaunting pinkish-red tips) to golden orange hues in the autumn season. It likes to reside in partial to full sunlight. At maturation, it can grow as tall as 12-15 feet and anywhere between 8-12 feet wide.

Payless Hardware, Rockery, and Nursery

Part of County Building Materials & the ACE Hardware Family

Address: 2927 S. King Rd., San Jose, CA 95122

Call us at (408) 274-4922

Open Daily 7:00AM - 5:00PM

Closed on New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day, & Christmas Day

part of CBM Hardware LLC & the Ace Hardware Family.