What you do to protect your peach trees and nectarine trees from preventable diseases and properly care for them in the winter is simple and worthwhile to ensure better fruit production this spring. Once there is an outbreak, there is no stopping it, so let us equip you with the right tips, tools, and applications. With our help, you will not need to worry about damaged fruit trees and their output in your garden this year!
Payless Tip: Winter dormancy can be a vulnerable window of time for unwanted diseases to affect your trees; you may only begin to see these problems once they appear on your trees in the spring season, and by that time, it will be too late. So, we recommend starting your tree care in the fall and winter seasons.
Beware of Peach Leaf Curl
Peach leaf curl is one of the common (and preventable) diseases of peach and nectarine tree varieties. It is a fungal disease that starts with an infection in the bud scales, causing the leaves and shoots of your fruit trees to turn a yellow or reddish color, with thick textures and curls, even a white powder from the fungal spores, then eventually pushing the leaves to fall off the trees.
This contagious and gradual disease can adversely affect your fruit tree’s harvest. And unfortunately, you will already be in a difficult situation once you realize that your fruit trees may have this condition in the spring. According to gardening experts, there is no turning back to fix the issue for that season. The good news is that this isn’t a total loss for the life of your tree, as proper preventative measures in winter can help.
Want to learn how to protect your dormant peach and nectarine trees this winter?
Here about 3 easy ways to prevent peach leaf curl and other fungal diseases:

1. Proactively Prune in the Fall and Autumn Season
A fungal disease’s most accessible and dangerous access point to your trees will be through damaged or dying leaves, branches, and unpicked fruits that can harbor potential diseases. So during the fall/autumn season, removing any dead or dying leaves or stems is pivotal, especially if they already look unhealthy or damaged.
Once you are sure that your trees are fully dormant, you can prune more thoroughly if necessary, which can also help reduce the risk of your trees contracting peach leaf curl.

2. Avoid Unnecessary Moisture and Watering Differently
As all farmers and growers know, fungal diseases, including peach leaf curl, love water. Watering or irrigation will not be a problem during a warm and dry season like summer when moisture can evaporate freely from your leaves. However, as damp, cloudy autumn and winter approach, it will be wise to change your watering strategy since extra moisture can be a hotbed for fungal infection.
Besides rainfall exposure (which is inevitable), avoid any unnecessary contact of moisture with leaves, branches, fruits, or flowers. We recommend switching away from overhead irrigation to orchard tubing or drip irrigation.

3. Consider Using Organic Copper Fungicides
If preventative measures like pruning and reducing moisture simply aren’t giving you peace of mind, the next step is fungicide sprays. Fortunately for nature-loving organic growers and gardeners, some fantastic options are effective against combatting peach leaf curl in peach and nectarine trees.
See a couple of our best organic fungicide recommendations below:
- Monterey Liqui-Cop Copper Fungicide Garden Spray
This copper-based Liqui-Cop Copper Fungicide Garden Spray from the Monterey brand is an excellent choice for home gardeners and even professional farmers, as it is certifiable USDA Organic (OMRI approved). In addition, it has a powerful way of preventing fungal disease (and other types of infection) from taking hold of your fruit trees. This one is best to apply during late autumn when trees are most vulnerable to fungus.
- Bonide Captain Jack’s Liquid Copper Fungicide
Similar to Monterey’s product, Bonide offers its version called Captain Jack’s Liquid Copper Fungicide. This organic approved copper-based fungicide can help fight peach leaf curl, rust, powder mildew, mites and other insects and pests and help you grow fresh, delicious, and healthy fruit trees come spring. For best results, Bonide recommends to mix according to the instructions on the label, shake well before use, and avoid applying to your plants and trees if temperatures are too warm (above 90 degrees Fahrenheit). We recommend application of this copper fungicide to your peach and nectarine trees in late autumn.
Let Us Care For Your Needs
Proper rest and care are of utmost importance for many plants that go dormant during the cold winter, and fruit trees like peach and nectarine are no exception. Everyone needs proper care, so come by our local Payless Hardware, Rockery, and Nursery store in San Jose to let our friendly team of experts care for you by helping you choose fungicides, find a great variety of our seasonal fruit trees, or any other supplies you need and equip you with any additional nursery or hardware tips!